
For many years I loved my busy city life. But as I drove into Ocean Grove on a Friday to spend the weekend with my family, I would smile and take a deep breath.

And Exhale.

So many people have wonderful childhood memories of the coast…holidays playing in the Barwon river, fish and chips on the beach, warm summer nights and fun summer days. A lot of those people return as adults to recapture that magic with their own families.

So many special memories and occasions are celebrated here. Weddings, reunions and beach weekends away. And when you leave, you take a little of the beach home with you (and not just the sand in your car!).

I wanted to create a range of accessories that capture that feeling. Beautiful pieces that showcase our amazing coastline and celebrate our amazing local photographers. 

But they needed to be special. They needed to be stand-alone pieces. Pieces that have a narrative and take you somewhere and make you feel something. 

I hope there is something in this collection that reminds you of special places and wonderful memories. 

And captures even a little of how you felt when you were there.

Nikki xx


Special Mentions

Many thanks to the amazingly talented Ash Hughes for letting me play with his beautiful gallery of photos - www.ashhughesphotos.com

And gorgeous Donna at www.indielane.com.au for shooting my products so beautifully.

All the logo love goes to the wonderful Annie Wilson at www.anniewilsoncreative.com for making my logo "exhale"

I was fortunate to work alongside Mia Freedman and the Lady Start Up team to build my business and it was the most wonderful experience - www.ladystartup.com.

Thank you to the very talented Laura at www.digitaldaydreammedia.com.au for creating my website (and making the best Star Wars incentive video of all time).

Every lady boss has a circle of people cheering her on – thank you to my cheer squad who lift me up and push me forward and believe.. even when I lose faith.